If you have registered for programs in grades 1-9, you will be contacted on or before March 25th, 2023 by your child's coach. He/She will inform you when and where practices and games will be held. Practices are determined by the volunteer coach.
The first games of the season will be played on Saturday, March 25, 2023. All games are scheduled for Saturdays. There are 9 consecutive weeks in the season, with the last games being played on May 20th.
There will be no make up games for games cancelled due to weather, field conditions, or public health issues. Game schedules are not usually published until just before the start of the season and are dependent on field availability and the number of teams in a division. Game schedules will be posted on line as soon as they are finalized.
In the Spring, girl's teams will be scheduled to play from the morning to early afternoon on Saturdays, boy's teams will will be scheduled to play from about noon to early evening on Saturdays. The older COED division games are usually played in the afternoon to evening.
All games are approximately 55 minutes long from start to finish.
Kinder Kickers and Little Strikers meet once a week on Saturdays only beginning on March 25th. Kinder Kickers and Little Strikers will play at Nishuane School Field unless otherwise notified.
*Shin guards, athletic shoes and water are required at every practice and game.