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Montclair United Soccer Club



For payment, all referees must fill out an official time sheet and have it signed by coaches each Saturday.  Time sheets should be sent (via photo or scan) to [email protected]

Electronic Payment Form




Laws of the Game

(Official IFAB updated May 2019)

The NJ State Referee Committee with the U.S. Soccer Federation Referee Program teaches from the IFAB official Laws of the Game.  While not all of these rules are applicable to MUSC Recreation games and there are specific local policies, knowing the LOTG (Laws of the Game) and having them on hand while at the fields may be very valuable to you while working.

Download a PDF of the International Football Association Board Laws of the Game HERE


Referee Recertification

The following graphic depicts levels of referee certification through U.S. Soccer Federation Referee Program replacing previous "Grade" system.
MUSC Recreation program requires referees to be certified through the Grassroots program.*

Grassroots - Recertifying Referees
Recertification Information U.S. Soccer Federation
Go to Course List

This course is for returning Grassroots Referees who have been previously certified.

Grassroots referees can officiate competitive, small-sided or recreational youth and amateur adult matches.


In order to re-certifying as a Grassroots Referee you must meet the follow eligibility standards:

1. 13 years or older

2. Have held a Grassroots license for a minimum of one (1) year within the last 3 years

Course Requirements

Re-certifying Grassroots Referees must pass a Grassroots Re-certification Quiz, complete the
Introduction to Safe and Healthy Playing Environments and, if over the age of 18, pass an NCSI
background check. Some state referee associations may require an in-person component to the
re-certification process. Please read the course details and contact your course administrator if
you have any questions regarding in-person vs online certification requirements.