Electronic Payment FormW-9
This course is for returning Grassroots Referees who have been previously certified.
Grassroots referees can officiate competitive, small-sided or recreational youth and amateur adult matches.
In order to re-certifying as a Grassroots Referee you must meet the follow eligibility standards:
1. 13 years or older
2. Have held a Grassroots license for a minimum of one (1) year within the last 3 years
Re-certifying Grassroots Referees must pass a Grassroots Re-certification Quiz, complete theIntroduction to Safe and Healthy Playing Environments and, if over the age of 18, pass an NCSIbackground check. Some state referee associations may require an in-person component to there-certification process. Please read the course details and contact your course administrator ifyou have any questions regarding in-person vs online certification requirements.
41 Watchung Plaza, #79Montclair, New Jersey 07042
Phone: 973-783-6872 Email: [email protected]